Thursday, April 16, 2009

Why are so many Law Enforcement officers on Yahoo Answers so biased against the average citizen?

It seems that if anyone asks a question or gives and answer that reflects Law Enforcement negatively, they are labeled as criminals, ignorant or slandered in some way or another. No one is perfect and this goes for law enforcement too. There are some bad members of law enforcement out there and to pretend that law enforcement officers are immaculate only damages your image. Why is there a bias against the average citizen by Law Enforcement on this site?

I think you can read through some of your answers and see why some Police Officers make the comments that they do. People use this site to make negative comment after negative comment.

In a Police Officer's line of work, it's almost the same. People don't use this site to praise or thank Police Officers. They use it to vent or make ignorant uneducated comments. In the line of duty, a Police Officer very rarely gets praised or thanked by the citizen he works so many hours and so hard (while risking his life) to protect. People make no effort to call in Police Supervisor to comment on what a great thing a Police Officer did. Only to complain. A newspaper isn't going to print all of the great things a Police Officer did during a shift- only when a mistake is made. I think it could just be frustration.

I have a feeling that some Officers, like some citizens, just use this site to vent. If you read through some of the top contributers under this section, you'll see there are some really smart, very polite Officers posting answers. None of which are biased or insulting...

Police are just normal people doing a job like any of us they deserve no more respect than a construction worker, waitress,nurse,computer operator there just normal people and why people think there better than anyone else is beyond me. Get over yourselves, quit acting better than everyone else your just people trying to make a living like everybody else

Guess that makes me above average since I have gotten any negativity from neither people who despise law enforcement or law enforcement in general.

Its all how you ask and answer. Treat people as people and there should be no negativity. If there is, then obviously the individual can't handle the discussion.

Why? Are you a criminal?

That's a joke.. just remember, the typical law enforcement officer is exposed to the worst people imaginable every work day. It's not often that they get called-out to witness a baby's birth or something..

More often than not, they're dealing with disputes between folks that try to manipulate the situation to their own favor. They are lied to on a constant basis, not to mention threatened as well. They deal with folks that could potentially knife them, shoot them, or beat them down at any given moment on the job.

As a result, there's always a suspicion that strangers are trying to exploit some kind of loophole, and trying to get away with stuff they shouldn't be doing.

Also, many of the answers in this section aren't even FROM law enforcement officials, they come from folks who beleive in the laws and have the utmost respect for the police. Unfortunately, these aren't the folks that the police get to meet.

Plus, around here, folks tend to use the fact that they're partially annonymous to launch ridiculous attacks against them..

For example, the obvious drug user that called the police "retards".. it's like, the police aren't the retarded ones when you sit there and think you're cool because you made fun of someone who's job is to help protect you and your family/friends from folks that might otherwise try to harm or steal from you..

When they are under attack on here so much, it makes sense that they might try to be defensive in their posts. They are trained to achieve the upper hand right at the beginning of any situation.

Law enforcement officers are folks who mean well ( or perhaps meant well), and they took oaths to maintain justice by upholding the law. They don't define the laws, but they DO have to uphold them. When you have a problem with the laws.. you don't have a problem with the police, you have a problem with the lawmakers, until you start breaking those laws.

Sure there are a few law enforcement officers out there with a chip on their shoulder, but there's also a few citizens like that too.

You asked the question by using the same derogatory remarks you claim all cops do. You grouped all cops that are on answers as mean, rude and negative. I for one try to treat all people the way they treat me. If I am treated rudely, that shows me that the person treating me like this will not respond to nice treatment, because of their out look.

You need to supply some examples of these questions that "...reflect negatively on Law Enforcement."

It's my guess that they are slanderous and not backed by any facts, and law enforcement people are simply defending themselves.

give any little farty person a bit of power .......look at little Napolian.

You have to understand that cops do not deal with the AVERAGE citizen...they deal with the ****heads...and dealing with these people everyday makes a lot of us very critical and sometimes frustrated and angry. Its always the same story, the same lies (EVERYone lies to you) the same problems, the SAME PEOPLE. Granted, we do get to work with decent human being every now and again...which is nice and we feel good about helping. However, most of us are jaded and when people ask or do things negatively we get upset and might say things because what we do is hard, depressing, emotional work a lot of times and a lot of us don't feel appreciated. True, cops should def be more understanding and not snap back at people or call them names just for asking questions, but I'm just explaining why some of them do this. And yes, there ARE bad members of law enforcement. But most of us are just trying to do a job which we akin to "babysitting" the city and its hard to see the good we do in our jobs sometimes.

If you have a negative opinion of the police, I am very sorry. However, I will not harass you on a personal level like some on this site tend to do to police. I may have in the past, but not anymore. But remember it could always be worse. you could see us walking around in BDUs carrying AK-47s and being judge, jury and executioner, like in many countries.

OR when the police decide not to protect the public and strike, all chaos breaks loose. You do not, or never will know what we go through, all to protect the public, who as a whole has a positive view of the police. The simple fact is, you need us.

"On September 9, 1919 1,117 BPD officers went on strike at 5:45 p.m.[7] One hundred Metropolitan Park Police were brought in to replace the striking officers, but 58 of these refused. Despite assurances from Curtis to Peters and Governor Calvin Coolidge, Boston had no police protection for the night of September 9, as the volunteer police officers were not told to report until the following morning.[8]

The city soon fell into riots and public chaos as over three-fourths of the department was no longer enforcing public peace.[4] Large crowds, including a number of sailors from docked naval ships, took to the streets, smashing windows, committing robbery and stoning bystanders and cars.[9] The northern, southern, and western areas of the city were all taken over by armed gangs, despite the 300 officers that were still on duty. "

P.S. I try to afford any person the same level of respect they show me.

Law enforcement IS a difficult profession, and many officers ARE quite sensitive to anything which reflects poorly on their profession and/or them. They have a right to feel that way, just as doctors in the '50s and '60s felt unjustly criticized for the perceived incompetence of a very few of their colleagues who were allowed to continue practicing because it was the AMA who checked complaints. The same situation applies here. Less than 5% of all police officers are incompetent or bullies, but they have definitely turned public opinion downward as it regards police officers. How many times have you seen a police car, no lights or siren, go speeding by you on the highway 15 to 20 mph over the speed limit only to see it parked at a restaurant, and the officers eating? Then, you get stopped for doing 6mph over the speed limit? It doesn't seem fair or equitable, does it? Many officers don't do that, but enough do that it creates a sense that police officers MUST consider themselves above the law, so why should we respect them? Unfortunately, the innocent officers are the ones caught in the middle.

Law Enforcement officers don’t consider themselves as citizens they consider themselves as authority figures over the citizens.

The days of the police being part of the community are long gone. They should be getting to know those in the community living in it and protecting and helping those who need it.

The police should be out to serve and protect but the truth is they are not allowed to do this. They are encouraged to spend time writing tickets which is income for the city they work for.

You obviously are not reading or understanding a lot of the "questions" concerning law enforcement officers here. I put the word question in quotations because most of them I see here are just disguised slams. I see few positive comments here about any law enforcement people.

Well, you can skim down the responses you have gotten so far and it's pretty much self-explanatory. These people are just as bigoted as anyone else. Why do I say that? because every time an Officer is found committing a crime or something else bad, some people then think that ALL Police Officers are corrupt.

I don't expect anyone to kiss my *** because of the work I do. But I see a serious lack of comprehension and understanding to the situations that we have to deal with. When someone states that we don't view ourselves as "Civilians" well, guess what? I do all of the same things that you do in life, pay taxes, own a home have a family or whatever.

Most of the critics are no different than what we encounter when on the job. Self-absorbed people that think the world revolves around what they think and don't like being told the opposite.

There is no bias, the only reason cops get mad is because citizens accuse cops of dong crazy things they don't do, of breaking laws they don't break, and somehow consider speeding tickets bogus violations. The only bias here is on cops.

Because the questions many asked are not questions but derogatory remarks veiled in a question

Put yourself in their shoes. You deal with the worst people society has to offer on a daily basis. Drug users, drunks, wife beaters, etc. If you are a traffic cop and pull people over for speeding, your not dealing with pleasant happy customers. I salute the cops, I couldn't handle that job. It would drive me insane.

We deal with people at their worst and are required to tell it like it is. Some people are like children and do not like to be told various facts because it goes against what they want to hear. If anything it's the other way around and people tend to knock the Police even though we merely enforce laws that you "average citizens" voted on. I think a great deal of hostility cops put out is due to a real lack of appreciation but it is part of the job that causes cynicism to a high degree. It is one of the reasons many L.E.commit suicide because they never make it out of the "Us and "Them" stage and we are heavily outnumbered. I try not to be the way you decribe and truely like helping people but if you attack a cop you will not be ignored most of the time.

Hmmm, because we can.

law enforcers let the badge go to their head. let them step out of the uniform and from behind the badge you will see they are nothing but puzzes. where i live all they do is harass people. and they wonder why people are hitting them. go figure. police officers should be made to go to collage for 5 years and learn how to deal with the public and act like they want their jobs. i can't stand pigs.

'Police are just normal people doing a job like any of us they deserve no more respect than a construction worker, waitress,nurse,computer operator there just normal people...'


Yes we are. So treat us with the respect that you show to others. Not less.

It gives them reason to abuse the respected authority given to them. Some of them are just arrogant Neanderthals that get a kick out being someone that has that sort of demeanor and can pretty much get away with it. They need some sort of motivation, to be as corrupt as some of them are. They also, put up with a lot of B.S for just doing their job a lot of times. They're people too, eventually they'll get over harassing folks! I don't like 'em, but respect them for taking the risks they take!

Because cops are just JERK-OFFS!

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