Thursday, April 16, 2009

What is the best military law enforcement job?

Army MP, Marine Corps MP, or Navy Master-at-Arms?

What are the typical duties of each? Which is the most like civilian law enforcement?

Also, is there anything in the way of Officer law enforcement positions in the military?

I served 6 years in the US Air Force Security Police (now called Security Forces) and loved it. After basic training we went to Camp Bullis north of San Antonio TX and did some combat training with the Army there. It lasted about 8 weeks I believe. I guarded uploaded nuclear weapons on fighter jets and the weapon storage areas which housed the nukes. Security Forces also has a position in which you perfrom mostly police officer duties. It used to be called Law Enforcement or L.E. Ask a recruiter about it. I am sure it has changed since the 1980's. I did SP duty for 6 years. Also attened college in Law Enforcement while on active duty (80% tuition paid by the USAF).

Several of my cousins served int he Army as M.P.'s. They are all working as police officers now.

If you want to be an officer, you'll need to get your college degree in Law Enforcement or Criminal Sciences or some related field. You also don't geta "guaranteed job" as an officer, but 99% of the time they will offer you an MP position because of your education.

Officer positions in the military are usually adminstrative. So if you want to do the most "civillian related police work" then go enlisted. As for which is the most like civvie cop work, either army MP or USMC MP. Both is pretty much the same, the exception is, one you are with the marines while the other you are army.

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