Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How do i go about pressing charges on law enforcement for harassment?

I know someone that has been in trouble with the law. His brother lives down my road and is legally blind. They have known me all my life. Recently DTF come into town and I am getting followed by them and others so heavy that i broke down in tears in wal mart, my friends won't come around or call anymore, and Im scard to leave my home what do i do?

File a complaint with the county prosecutor? Try filing a complaint with the chief of police? Or go straight to the state police.

The officers are looking for something...Do you know what it is...drugs? Stolen property? I don't know where you live but I have never known law enforcment people to knowingly waste their time. Go (with a witness) and ask for a supervisor at the police station and get things straightened out for your sake and for theirs as they may have received false information (or not)

File a complaint with the State Attorney Generals Office.

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