A law that should be forced: You may have welfare for up to three years while going to school/job-training, and after you receive a job, payments will be taken from your check, in affordable amounts to pay back the taxpayer. 2nd: No illegal shall receive CA taxpayer assistance, and will be arrested if caught by police, citizens, and/or border patrol.
CA State laws that should be rescinded is the opposite of the above. Illegals are responsible for $33,000,000 of CA's recession, and so are the welfare lifetimers, although their debts to the taxpayer exceeds illegals.
The state should have the constitution changed to establish a unicameral legislature. Although there are separate procedural rules for the California State Senate and the State Assembly and different responsibilities for each, it would be prudent to eliminate the expense of operating two separate legislative bodies. Nebraska has a unicameral legislature and it is clear that there is a precedent elsewhere in the country.
How about the legislators agree to split the state up into 4 states so SF and LA areas can have all the homosexual marriage, universal healthcare, and high taxes they want, and the valley and northern CA can be left alone, and get a little representation on the national scene.
Amend the 3 strikes law so that in order to convict an individual under three strikes and send them to prison for life the third or subsequent offense must be a violent felony, not some bullshit non-violent misdemeanor.
There was some kind of land use law passed while Clinton was in the White house that closed a lot of land to the people. That needs to be reversed.
The Beach closure after certain hours and anti smoking laws need to go away too.
Sure. Fund education and police in separate transparent accounts so politicians can't misuse bonds intended for those purposes and keep raising taxes because education and police protection still need more, the prior money having been misused....
thats easy
california citizens must not ask stupid questions.
california citizens must know how to spell.
are you looking, Arnie?
I'm with Yaya. No more phony "Total Recall" governors who came in complaining about a $10 billion budget shortfall and the need for fiscal responsibility only to run up a $42 billion one. Hasta la vista, baby!
Stop providing sanctuary for illegals.
No more wacky governors.
a ban on Nancy Pelosi and people like her
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