Thursday, April 16, 2009

Does sine, cosine, and tangent only work for right triangles? How about law of sines and cosines?

I need a little help refreshing my memory. I'm redoing this problem that I did wrong on vectors and if sine, cosine, and tangent can only be used to find lengths of a side of only right triangles, that would explain so much why I did it wrong... As for law of sines and law of cosines, can they be used for any triangles like scalene, isosceles, etc.? I have the worst memory in math and I wanna know so I can add to my old math notes compiled over 3 years of high school math and hopefully I won't forget.

sin x = a/c, cosx = b/c .... can be used only for right triangles

law of sines and cosines can be used in any triangle

Okay for vectors, it's best to use sine laws and cosine laws. Sine laws is useful for angles and some sides but mainly, to find sides, consine law is the best to you use since most the time, you are given two sides and an angle. Just make sure what you are doing- addition or subtraction.

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