Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Does anyone think is is possible to start a law against the use of certain types of Internet spam?

I've noticed the spam that is getting sent is more and more vulgar and disturbing by the day. It would be really great to put a stop to it. Do you think it is possible that a law could be created to stop vulgar, inappropriate spam? I mean it's horrible when I can't even let my sister see my e-mail because of spam I didn't ever wanted to be sent that are still there, even after tons of blocked e-mails.

There is already laws in many countries dealing with it. The problem lies with where the router is located. The country can only have jurisdiction over their own citizenry, so if the spam comes from outside their borders than the government cannot enact the law.

Globalization is calling for there to become international laws with regards to most things, spam included, but most citizens would see that as losing their sovereignty, and they would. However, as our world becomes more complex the only way to start dealing with the issues that affect citizens is to re-construct our nationalistic views and start to see our borders as states to a world government. That is really the only way that spam can be solved.

Sure, you can legislate anything you like. Sadly, if the spam is sent from servers in countries WITHOUT these laws, or where these laws are not enforced, too bad. US Law != Internet Law

How is law gona stop it? There already is law against spams. People have been fined millions and went to jail. But it won't stop. Just find good servers that have good filters.

Most spam comes from countries that do not care about it, since it is all directed at USA, Europe, and other major large groups of internet users.

since the world wide web is just that ( world wide) it is very hard to enforce any rules or laws regarding the internet and spam.

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