Friday, April 17, 2009

How does a bill become a law if the bill is presented in the house of representatives?

Also what actions in the house, the senate, and the Executive office could keep the bill from becoming a law?

ok here we go the first thing that is done is the bill goes to the clerks office where they make copies of it and give it an official number that it will be refered to they will give copies to all member of the house and have a formal first reading in the house. Then the the speaker of the house will assign the bill to a standing committe or several standing committes the more committees that are on the bill the more likely that the bill will be killed. Once in the standing committee the speaker of the committee will assign it to a sub committee which is a group of reperseantatives of the standing committee, it is u[p to them to act on and if they dont the bill is killed and never to be seen again, unless there is a discharge potition which is when 218 members of the house sign a petion to save the bill and send it to second reading state where all of the house of rep. can make amendemnt to the bill. But if the standing committee does act on it and makes amendment then it goes to the rules committee which will then decide how the second reading will be done whether open or closed open is when all member of the house may make changes to it and closed is when just the original standing committee may make changes to it. then it goes on to 3rd reading stage where it is voted on and if passed it goes on to the senate. Then the senate does the first, second, and third reading stages just like the senate but they can add on rider which are amendment that have nothing to do will the actual bill it self and if a senator does not like the bill they might do a fillabuster and just talk for days at a time until the senate dismiss the bill just to end the fillabuster or they can vote on a coture to end the fillabuster. after the senate passes thier version of the bill the house and senate come together in a committee known as the conference committtee and they try to make a version of the bill that will make both the house and the senate happy. after that then it goes back to third reading stage in both the house and the senate and they vote. after that it then goes on to the president where he can veto the act of congress(bill) or pass it.

so it is alot of stuff hence why most bill dont get passed plus it takes alot of time and energy. sorry if there is a lot of misspelling. I tell you US governemt really makes you learn something though.

they have to pass it and then the senate has to pass it and then the president has to pass it and if he veto's it then it has to go through both houses again and if they pass it it's a law.

if enough people don't vote for it then it won't pass.

and sometimes they don't even get around to looking at it for a looooong time or sometimes even at all.

if it is passed in the house of reps, it goes to senate, if it passes it goes to pres, he can pass or veto, if pres vetos, congress can pass the bill if the get 2/3 vote

Why would they want to veto anything President Obama wants?

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