Wednesday, April 15, 2009

When was the 1st illegal immigration law passed stating that illegals are not to come in anymore?

Some1 said that since there were no laws against illegal immmigratin in the olden" days that the ancestors were ok in coming here, ok, so when was the 1st law passed against illegals? I thought America was built on immigrants, some1 said the laws came into place in the 1800's.

this would be it and apparently it was made only because of race based issues : that law in particular seems to have made every Chinese woman undocumented in the USA , there used to be a lot of hate towards the Chinese back then and they used to get blamed for all the already settle immigrants could think of . they usually were labeled as unadaptable and incapable of assimilate and learning the English language , the same did happen to all other immigrants after and before them , the same happens today . people back then claimed all they wanted was orden but yet would label the Chinese with all the bad they could think of which clearly shows today what their real motives were . in my opinion if the only reason why they ( those against them ) did not wanted the Chinese was because there were not really needed then all the hate would had never happened as it did happened .

No one is against "LEGAL" immigration ..

ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION: America is a nation of immigrants. People from all parts of the world dream of coming to America for freedom, opportunity and the chance to be the best they can be. We should encourage legal immigration and always discourage illegal immigration, yet Republicans and Democrats in DC are terrified to oppose illegal immigration out of fear that they will be labeled racist. This assertion is ridiculous. There is nothing racist about upholding the law. We need representatives who are willing to speak clearly for legal immigration and speak clearly against illegal immigration.

If 50 persons were graciously and generously invited to a party and 250 uninvited people showed up (just looking for a better life), disorder and busted budgets would be the result.

I think the first law regarding immigration was the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.

1882. Up until that time anyone could enter...BUT it was still difficult to become a legal citizen. Citizenship and naturalization laws began in the 1790.

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