Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What are the different areas of Law that I could study in Law School and what is each about?

I know that there are so many different types of Law that are available to study, but I am not sure what, specifically, each encompasses and/or is about. If anyone knows where I can find a list, or if you know of them .. please let me know! I'm trying to decide which area of Law Study is best for me!

That's a huge question, but here's a link to a site that lists the various areas of law (it appears to be a pretty comprehensive list). In deciding which area of law will best suit you, you should probably think about what kind of things you like to do (e.g. are you a people person?) and what interests you generally (e.g. are you a numbers/math person?). And, as the other person suggested, talking to someone in the career services office would be a good idea. Even better, talk to a few professors about what they did before they entered academia.

Sadly, I don't know that there is or will ever be a "list" of the different areas of law that you can study. There are areas that many people go into, such as criminal law, international law, property, torts, corporate law, immigration law, etc. However, you'll find that if you are going to a US law school, your first year curriculum will be set-your classes will already be planned and assigned to you. (In fact, in some schools, they'll set your schedule for beyond your first year.) Typically, first year classes include Civil Procedure, Torts, Contracts, Property, Criminal Law, Legal Writing, Constitutional Law, etc. From those, you'll glean which areas interest you based on what you've taken.

If you don't like ANYTHING you've taken, that's okay too, the schools have career resource centers that will help you. All the same, you could probably go through your entire three years and have no clue what to study. You don't have to specialize in a specific area when you're in law school, there is no major like there is in college. Though it's likely you'll have a better idea after your first year what you want to do, once you've become aware of the many aspects of the law.

That said, I'm sorry I cannot produce a list, but do not worry! You'll figure out what kind of law you want to practice once you get there.

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